Benefits Dental Insurance

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Group Number 139210

Both retiree dental plan options offer MetLife’s negotiated fees for all in-network services, which can save you money on out-of-pocket costs. The negotiated fees even extend to non-covered services, which include services provided after the annual benefit maximum is exceeded.

Retiree Dental Summary of Benefits


Plan Features

Option 1

Option 2

Coverage Type






100% of PDP Fee1


100% of PDP Fee1


Basic Restorative

70% of PDP Fee1


70% of PDP Fee1


Major Restorative

0% of PDP Fee1


70% of PDP Fee1







Retiree Only





Retiree + 1





Retiree + 2 or more





Annual Maximum:





Per Person





Please Note:

  • Premiums: Individual Costs vary. To determine your individual cost, refer to the retiree packet from WoodmenLife, the enrollment packet from MetLife or call MetLife directly.

  • If you’re currently under a treatment plan, COBRA coverage may be the best option for your enrollment to complete treatment. Upon completion of treatment (or at end of 18 months), contact MetLife for your enrollment packet for Retiree Dental.

  • Benefit start date will be dependent upon when your completed enrollment is received by MetLife. If received before 15th of month, your coverage will start on the 1st of following month. If enrollment is received after the 15th of month, coverage starts the 1st of second following month.


  1. PDP Fee refers to the fees that participating dentists have agreed to accept as payment in full.

  2. Reasonable and customary charges are based on the research of a dentist’s usual, actual and community average charge as determined by MetLife.

  3. Applies only to Basic and Major Services


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Uniting hardworking Americans to secure their financial future while strengthening our communities and country.

The information on this page is a partial description of benefits, limitations, exclusions, and other provisions of the group benefits provided by Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society (WoodmenLife). If there is a difference between the information in this summary and the plan document for each plan, the plan documents govern. Eligibility requirements apply to each of the benefits offered, criteria may include employment status and/or individual qualifications. For more detailed information, refer to the Summary Plan Description of each plan. WoodmenLife may amend these plans at any time. The description of the plan is not a guarantee of benefits and should not be construed as such.

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WoodmenLife Medicare Supplement plans are not connected with or endorsed by the U.S. government or the federal Medicare program.

NOTE: In some states, Medicare Supplement certificates (all plans in CO) are available to those eligible for Medicare due to a disability, regardless of age.

Securities are offered through Woodmen Financial Services, Inc. (WFS), 1700 Farnam Street, Omaha, NE 68102, member FINRA/SIPC, a wholly owned subsidiary of Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society (collectively “WoodmenLife”). Securities other than the WoodmenLife Variable Annuity are issued by companies that are not affiliated with WoodmenLife. This material is intended for general use with the public. WFS is not providing investment advice for any individual or any individual situation, and you should not look to this material for any investment advice. WFS has financial interests that are served by the sale of these products or services.

WoodmenLife Extras are available to members. An individual becomes a member by joining our shared commitment to family, community and country, and by purchasing a product. These extras are not contractual, are subject to change and have specific eligibility requirements, such as length of membership, number of qualifying members in household and/or qualifying event.

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Omaha, Nebraska