Lowering Premiums Next Year
Your Health Benefits: Planning for 2025 Benefits
Participation in the Well-being Program is voluntary. The intent of the program is for you to know your biometric numbers and have an understanding of your health. Incentives are offered to those who participate in accordance with requirements of the Well-being Program and are in the form of:
a reduced health insurance premium for those who enroll in WoodmenLife’s health plan in 2025 or
a well-being reimbursement for those who do not enroll.
Associates hired or contracted on or before June 30, 2024
You have the opportunity to earn an incentive by visiting your healthcare professional and completing the biometric screening form between October 1, 2023 and September 30, 2024. The biometric screening form must be uploaded to your Incentive Tracker on guidanceresources.com by September 30, 2024. Select here for a link to the biometric screening form. The incentive will be based solely on your submittal of your biometric screening data by September 30, 2024.
You can continue to accumulate points by passing biometric screenings or by completing the health assessment, activities, coaching and/or online workshops. For instance, the biometric screening, in addition to making you eligible for the incentive, is also worth 100 points. WoodmenLife encourages you to earn as many points as possible. Those participants who earn more than 500 points will receive special recognition at the end of the program year.
Associates hired or contracted on or after July 1, 2024
No activity is necessary. Health insurance premiums are based on the Preferred tier through the end of 2025.
New to the Program?
Before you can upload the completed Biometric Screening form to your Incentive Tracker, you must complete your registration on Guidance Resources.
Go to Guidance Resources
Click “Register”
Organization Web ID: MyWellness
Click “Register”
Click “WoodmenLife - Employees”
Create your own unique User Name and Password, then proceed to complete the rest of the form and set your security questions.
Accept Terms of Use and click “Submit”
You are now registered. If you are unable to register or experience technical issues, please reach out to Guidance Resources at 1-855-247-5976.
How to Upload your Biometric Screening Results
Have your doctor fill out your biometric screening results form. The form can be found on this website under Resources > Forms or on Guidance Resources website.
Log onto the GuidanceNow mobile app or Guidance Resources online: click “Be Well” then “Incentive Tracker”. Locate and click “Earn Rewards” on the upper left side of screen, scroll down and click on “Biometric Screening”.
After clicking “Biometric Screening” on the “Earn Rewards” page, you must complete the following steps.
Complete the User Information section
Complete the Biometric Information section with your values. Note: to receive credit for a complete screening, BMI, Cholesterol, Blood Glucose, and Blood Pressure must be submitted.
Upload the supporting documentation, i.e. your completed certification form.
Then, click “Continue” followed by “Confirm” to submit your information.
Finally, be sure to select “Print” on the Biometric Activity submission detail page to print a copy of your submission for your records.
Valid biometric screening results obtained between October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024 can be submitted for credit. Certification forms will be audited for authenticity.
Some health conditions may be eligible for a Biometric Screening waiver. If you feel you may be eligible for a waiver, please contact the Benefits Department at 1-800-328-2968 ext. 57047 to discuss your options